Maira Kalman writes about “Just Looking”: Maira Kalman (1949 -) is an artist, illustrator, author and designer whose iconic creations live at the intersection of the joys and sorrows of human (and animal) experience. Most recently, her illustrations have breathed new life into Strunk and White's book The Elements of Style, and her own book of wisdom, The Principles of Uncertainty, is a compilation of a monthly illustrated blog that appeared in the New York Times. "Newyorkistan", her New Yorker magazine cover that reinvented the map of New York (done with Rick Meyerowitz), help to lift the despair of a city and a nation in 2001. Children of all ages love her books about the dogs Pete and Max. Other collaborations include sets for Mark Morris Dance Group, as well as her well-known earlier work with her husband, designer Tibor Kalman, and their design company M&Co.
“Maira Kalman: The Elements of Style”exhibition at Rochester’s Memorial Art Gallery, May 8 – August 2, 2009. Rick Meyerowitz
Interview on Principals of Uncertainty with WNYC's The Leonard Lopate Show
Video homage to Kalman's Illustrated Elements of Style |