Eugenie C. Scott
Executive Director, National Center for Science Education, Inc.
“Making Sense of Biology”
on September 20, 2006
Randolph Nesse
Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, and Director, Evolution and Human Adaptation Center, University of Michigan
“Why did Natural Selection Leave us so Vulnerable to Disease? ”
on October 24, 2006
Margo Wilson (Oct 1, 1942 - Sept 24, 2009) and Martin Daly
Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada and Professors in the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, Department of Psychology at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
“The Truth about Cinderella: Discriminative Mistreatment of Stepchildren ”
on December 6, 2006
David Sloan Wilson
Professor of Biology and Anthropology, Binghamton University
“Evolutionary Social Constructivism ”
on January 16, 2007
David M. Buss
Professor of Evolutionary Psychology, University of Texas-Austin
“The Murderer Next Door: Why the Mind is Designed to Kill ”
on February 7, 2007
Rudy Rucker
Mathematician, Computer Scientist, cyberpunk/transrealist author
“Life is a Gnarly Computation ”
on April 4, 2007
Daniel C. Dennett
University Professor, professor of philosophy and co-director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University
“Meaning and Morality: Darwin's 'strange inversion of reasoning' ”
on April 10, 2007
Janna Levin
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Barnard College of Columbia University
"Minds, Machines and the Cosmos: Is the Universe Infinite?" and "Chaos and Black Hole Binaries"
on September 11, 2007 and September 12, 2007
Ze Frank
Blogster, digerati cynic, social media critic, performance artist
“Acceleration Anxiety: Stories from a Worm's Eye View in the Digital Landscape”
on October 3, 2007
Patricia J. Williams
James L. Rohr Professor of Law, Columbia University; journalist, memoirist, race, gender and cultural theorist
“Conjoined Identities and the Corporatized Body”
on October 18, 2007
Elizabeth Streb
Award-winning artistic director of Streb Extreme Dance Company
“The Limitless Imagination of the Muscles & the Bones: Action in Time & Space”
on January 7, 2008
Kenny Lerner and Peter Cook
Peter Cook and NTID's Kenny Lerner ;
acclaimed ASL poet & hearing collaborator perform imaginative, experimental visual & visceral poetry
“Poetry in Motion: The Flying Words Project”
on February 2, 2008
John Maeda
E. Rudge and Nancy Allen Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, MIT
President-elect, Rhode Island School of Design, 2008
“Humanity, Simplicity, Technology”
on March 12, 2008
Heather McHugh
Milliman Distinguished Writer-in-Residence, Univ. of Washington, Heather McHugh has authored over a dozen books of poetry, criticism & translation
A reading
on April 23, 2008
Lynda Barry
Graphic novelist, artist, playwright, syndicated comic strip creator of "Ernie Pooks Comeek" and several nationally known novels
"Writing the Unthinkable" and 3-hour related Writing Workshop
on May 5, 2008
Ray Kurzweil
Legendary futurist, inventor and artificial intelligence expert
“The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology”
on September 17, 2008
George Elliott Clarke & D.D. Jackson
Award-winning Africadian poet/playwright teams up with renowned NYC jazz composer and pianist
“BeBopera & BeBopera Too”
on October 15, 2008
Bill McKibben
Environmental Writer, Educator, Activist. Scholar-in-Residence at Middlebury College
Author of Deep Economy, official reading for RIT's first year students
“Uniting Global and Local”
on November 6, 2008
Edward Burtynsky
Canadian photographer of landscape transformed by industry
“The Landscape of Oil”
on January 21, 2009
Mark Frauenfelder & Carla Sinclair
Authors, journalists, webloggers, new media magnates; Mark co-founded Boing Boing & Make magazine; Carla is "Net Chick," & edits Craft magazine
"The Happy Mutant's Guide to the Modern Maker Movement" and related workshop
on March 26, 2009
Maira Kalman
Innovative children\'s book author, illustrator, product designer & librettist
“Just Looking”
on April 6, 2009
Leroy Hood, M.D., Ph.D
World pioneer in molecular biotechnology and genomics; founder, Institute for Systems Biology
“Systems Biology and Systems Medicine”
on April 23, 2009
Matt Coolidge
Director of Programming, Center for Land Use & Interpretation; Exhibitions & Projects on landscape perception & human-induced changes, using perspectives from geography, installation and conceptual art, tourism, and political economy
“Ground Up: The Center for Land Use Interpretation”
on May 4, 2009
Joslyn Barnes
Producer, co-founder (with Danny Glover) and Chief Operating Officer of Louverture Films
“Imagination and the Cinema of Resistance”
on September 21, 2009
Stefan Sagmeister
International graphic designer, artist,
author of Things I Have Learned in My Life So Far and Sagmeister: Made You Look
“Design and Happiness”
on October 5, 2009 Issued a design challenge for all-RIT campus
Rebecca Solnit
Activist, historian, author
“Other Loves: Public Life and Unsaid Emotions”
on November 4, 2009
Adam Frank
University of Rochester astrophysicist and author
“The Constant Fire: Beyond the Science vs Religion Debate”
on December 2, 2009
Michael Singer
Artist and principal designer, Michael Singer Studio
“Regenerative Design in the Public Realm”
on January 19, 2010
Nick Gurewitch & Chris Onstad
Giants of independent webcomics; creators of Eisner award-winning "Perry Bible Fellowship" and "Achewood"
“Internet Famous: Comic Time with Nick and Chris”
on February 10, 2010
David Cay Johnston
Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist, author, distinguished lecturer and partner with WXXI in a new series, How Did We Get Here?
“A Path Back to Prosperity for America”
on March 9, 2010
Hiroshi Ishii
Muriel R. Cooper Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT; Co-director of the MIT Media Lab, Things That Think Consortium, and head of the Tangible Media Group
“The Art of Tangible Bits”
on March 29, 2010
Christopher deCharms
Neuroscientist; serial entrepreneur; founder of life-sciences company, Omneuron
“Imagine your own brain with real time fMRI while seeing your imagining”
on April 19, 2010
Matt Crawford
political philosopher and master mechanic
“The Case for Working with Your Hands”
on September 8, 2010
Dan Ariely
behavioral economist
“Who Put the Monkey in the Driver's Seat?”
on September 29, 2010
Jeanne Gang
“Assembly as Medium”
on October 20, 2010
Alison Bechdel
critically acclaimed cartoonist and author
“Drawing Words, Reading Pictures”
on December 2, 2010
David Liptak
professor of composition at the Eastman School of Music
“Composing New Music”
on February 2, 2011
Golan Levin
experimentalist engineer in audiovisual performance and interactive art
“Interactive Art and Speculative Human-Computer Interaction”
on March 8, 2011
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
storyteller, author
“Shifting Spaces: Identity, Literature and the Emergence of Stories”
on April 4, 2011
David Bainbridge
science writer, veterinarian and reproductive biologist
“Teenagers: The Pinnacle of Human Evolution?”
on April 18, 2011